Contact Us



How to donate on our site ?

You can donate securely via our Just Giving page. All proceeds go to the skatepark.

How to became a volounteer ?

Go to the Volunteer page to learn about the process of volunteering. We need your support, so don't be shy!

Are you a charity or official group?

We are a community action group with a written constitution which is recognised by Havant Borough Council. We are not a charity as we were advised it would be detrimental to us applying for certain grants, although we are open to the idea for the future.

What happens to any donations?

All donations are recorded and will be spent on the skatepark or on direct costs associated with running the campaign such as advertising and printing. All participants are volunteers, so no salaries or payments will be drawn by anyone involved in the project.

How can you get to work in your business ?

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